Unlock Your Unconscious Mind:
Transform Your Life

Did you know that 95% of your mind's activity occurs outside of your conscious awareness?  That's where all of your automatic emotional and behavioral responses live.  

You feel out of control because nobody ever taught you how to communicate with that part of your mind.  Instead, its messages are ignored, misinterpreted, and pushed away.

This quick start guide is designed to help you begin to understand your unconscious mind's unique language. By learning how to communicate with it, you'll tap into the power of your whole mind and achieve the changes you really want. 

What’s Inside?


Understand the language of the unconscious mind

Gain insight into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors

Understand the meanings of unconscious patterns


Discover your brain’s language

Discover why your brain does what it does

Discover what patterns no longer serving


Speak the language of your unconscious mind

Make conscious choices and create the life you desire

Break free from limited patterns and embrace a life of greater fulfillment and success

Hi, I'm Helen.  I'm here to help you learn your brain's language so you can create the life of your choosing!

You have the most amazing brain! 

But it probably feels like there's a never ending struggle to control it and get it to do what you want it to do. That's because nobody taught you how to speak its language!

Download the quick start guide and let the lessons begin!

“Helen has taught me how to work with my brain. She has changed the way I exist. I'm telling you... if you haven't learned what Helen can show/teach you, you aren't operating at your optimum level.”

Business Analyst